Twenty years of Summer University of Ontopsychology
Although the majority of people (if not all of them) use holidays to increase the amount of lead that already exists within their individual existence, some who perhaps possess more consciousness of the gift of life take the opportunity of holidays to polish the gold that they possess intrinsically. According to the ancient school of alchemy, ignorance was quite precisely referred to as lead and the uniqueness of the soul’s knowledge was referred to as the philosopher’s stone – namely gold. That is the reason why the Summer University of Ontopsychology always takes place during the month of August. This year the Summer University will be celebrating its twentieth anniversary. The first session was organized in 1988 right in Lizari, on the subject of creativity, where ontopsychological thought was discussed with one of the most renowned experts on creativity, Prof. Barron from the University of Santa Cruz in California. Since then the event, promoted without interruption during these twenty years by the A.I.O., has always been characterized by a growing number of participants, in addition to a growing amount of events and subjects debated. The approach has always remained the same as the initial one: 10 to 15 days during the summer where, alongside the actual study session, events are also organized over the whole period ranging from art, fashion, sports, culture and recreation. It has always been held between the Umbria and Lazio regions, but shortly this format will be exported abroad and other countries will be hosting it. The forthcoming Summer in August 2008 will be the last one to be held on Italian territory. Summer is the occasion where an entire year’s work of the Ontopsychological centres in the world gathers as one, where all nations come together and meet, setting up their plans for the following year. A chance for everyone to meet and grow thanks to these events.
The first Summer events were dedicated to defining the ontopsychological methodology, which subsequently led to the books entitled Ontopsychology Handbook and Dictionary of Ontopsychology.
Eventually they took place as students from the Saint Petersburg State University began to take to their final oral and written examinations in Ontopsychology, within the Ontopsychology Department of the university, which are mandatory, according to the Russian ministerial programme, in order to obtain a degree or a postgraduate degree in Ontopsychology.
In the past few years, the Summer session has engaged in such socially-oriented subjects as “Social Justice” in 2006, “Intellect and Personality” in 2005 and “Philosophy Fundamentals” in 2004, which have led to the drafting of as many books (ref. Also this year the Summer session has produced two new books, namely Conoscenza ontologica e coscienza and Scheda storica sulle teorie della Conoscenza (Ontological knowledge and consciousness and A review of the theories of knowledge in history. See New Publications within this edition).
Editrice psicologica
Antonio Meneghetti
News from the Association
8 anni fa